Fine Art, Illustration & Design
painting, fine art, illustration, design, landscape, art
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Perceptual Landscape Painting with Laura Wooten

Explore the fundamentals of plein air oil painting while developing your own creative vision.


I teach students to see the world as an ephemeral constellation of color, light, shapes, and edges. The joy of plein air painting is seeing & feeling your way across this constellation, a process of observing and responding as you go, according to your present skill set, intentions, temperament, emotions, and way of being in the moment. This will be different for each individual and change over time, as we observe the landscape through our own lens. I invite you to enjoy every stage of this self-reflective and illuminating process!


Class will consist of concept discussions in the studio, looking at contemporary and historical examples, followed by an outdoor observational oil painting session. I teach a framework for creating space, understanding color mixing, exploring mark-making, and building form that is independent of style. Each student is encouraged to develop self-awareness, examine their own artistic temperament, and allow their style to emerge organically. We will also delve into intention & intuition, the difference between subject & content, understanding abstraction, creative authenticity, and tips on studio practices and building a body of work.


Class meets for 3 hours, 1 x week for 4 weeks at my home studio and backyard garden in Charlottesville VA.

Day & Time to be agreed upon by student and instructor.

Please contact me to inquire about available openings. Email


Private Instruction: $600 for 4 week workshop
Small Group Instruction (2-4 students): $480 for 4 week workshop
Pay by check or Venmo
Cost does not include materials & equipment. An Oil Painting Materials List will be provided.


Before Class Begins:
Please email me a brief description of your interests and intentions surrounding your art.

You can provide a few images of your current work and/or paintings that inspire you.
Lessons will be tailored to your present skill level and all experience levels are welcome.

Some experience with observational drawing is recommended.


Student Testimonial:
“I signed up for a 4 session workshop with Laura expecting to learn a few tips for my plein air painting, which I definitely got, but I also gained so, so much more! Laura was really kind and helpful when teaching and looking at my work. She is very knowledgeable in so many areas and incorporated art history, color theory, painting technique, her personal experiences, and art business into our workshop. Our conversations about great artists and their work were really thought provoking and interesting. Her workshop was inspirational and an all around wonderful experience and I would recommend it to anyone from a beginner to an advanced painter.”